Up Your Fiber Intake With Metamucil’s Two-Week Challenge

High fiber foods

Feeling sluggish or weighed down? It could be a sign that your digestive system isn’t at its best. Fiber helps keep your gut healthy, but less than 10% of Americans get the recommended 25 to 30 grams in their daily diet. Consuming fiber-rich foods and taking a daily supplement like Metamucil can help you close your fiber gap.

To jumpstart your digestive health journey, sign up for Metamucil’s Two-Week Challenge and pick up a psyllium fiber supplement. Then, check out the helpful tips and resources below to stay on track with your goals during the challenge—and beyond!



Learn About the Benefits of Fiber

The more you know how the nutrient can help you, the easier it’ll be to stick to the Metamucil Two-Week Challenge—and ultimately, a long-term high-fiber diet.

Get to Know Psyllium Husk

Since you’ll be taking a psyllium fiber supplement each day of the challenge, why not learn how it might help you? It’s rich in premium soluble fiber, which has a host of benefits, including helping you feel more full between meals.

Add Metamucil Slowly

Start with one serving daily, then slowly increase to your desired intake. (It can be taken up to three times per day.) You may have some light bloating as your body adjusts to the extra fiber.


Stock Up on Berries

A 1/2-cup of berries makes for a fiber-rich addition to yogurt, chia pudding, or oatmeal. It’s also the star ingredient in Metamucil’s Lemon-Berry Cooler smoothie.

Add Beans to One of Your Meals

A 1/4 cup of black beans serves up about 3 grams of fiber. Add a scoop to soup, a baked potato, or try them as a nacho-topper.

Elevate Your Desserts

Dessert is a great time to sneak more fiber into your diet. Each of these high-fiber muffins contains one serving of Metamucil. Enjoy them with fruit salad for extra fiber.

Swap Juice for Fruit

Juice contains plenty of nutrients, but a whole piece of fruit has much more fiber. For example, an orange has 3.7 grams of fiber, while a 6.75-ounce glass of OJ has just 0.6 grams.

Rethink Your A.M. Coffee

Metamucil shouldn’t be mixed with hot beverages, and that includes coffee. But it makes a great addition to blended iced coffee drinks.


Track Your Behavior

Use a paper journal or mobile app to note each time you consume Metamucil or any other foods rich in fiber. Having a record of your progress each day will help keep you motivated.

Seek Out Support

Creating a support system of friends and family may improve adherence to health goals, including nutritious eating practices. Share your goals with your loved ones so they can cheer you on.

Be Consistent

Pick a time you plan to take Metamucil daily and stick with it. Whether that’s with each meal, before you head to bed, or after a workout. Consistency will make it easier to stay on track.

Pick Up Where You Left Off

Life can get busy and make sticking to healthy habits a challenge. If you miss a day of Metamucil, don’t stress. Pick up where you left off and continue your daily regimen.
Two Week CHallenge


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